Do you find yourself holding on to things past their expiration date? It’s only one day…one week. I’m sure it’s still good.

We have a hard time letting go.

There is a part of us that knows that it can make us sick…yet we tell ourselves that the date is just an arbitrary thing…and that it would be a waste of money/investment to just throw it away.

Recently a colleague of mine informed me that some of the office snacks had an expiration date coming up soon. I encouraged everyone to eat up ASAP, and I myself started to do the same. I am not usually a “snacker” (excluding Cheezits, of course).

Sometimes we do this because we don’t want things to go bad, and we try to finish, even at the cost of making ourselves sick. So either way, hold on can have some effect: suffering through it…ignoring it to the point of denial…or finding many other “reasons” as why “now” isn’t the best time to throw something away, despite all other indications that it might be.

How do you get rid of the old? How do you make room for the new? Does it have to be either/or? Can there be an “and”? And sounds promising, we say. But how do we make room for both?

I can help.

Contact me for an appointment.

Pro-tip: assessing whether it’s time to throw something out or not can be tricky. Ask yourself how long you’ve been holding on to the item; how often you’ve used it in the past year; whether you have room for it in your life/house/personal space or not; and always take stock of how you’d feel getting rid of it. Don’t regret what’s going in the trash-can…instead, relish in the freedom “letting go” can bring to your heart and life.