The energy I felt as I returned from my hike plummeted. I realized I could not find my driver’s license. It wasn’t in the car, in my purse, at any of my offices, or any place it would reasonably be. It’s okay, I thought to myself. I’ll get it back. I must have lost it on the hike. Someone will find it. I’ll get it back.

Six days later, my mailbox was still empty. So, I decided—the most productive thing I could do was go down to the DMV and get it taken care of. I didn’t feel secure without my ID, and, impatient, I rushed. I wanted to take action. I wanted a solution. Now.

After 4.5 hours at the DMV, I came home and found my original license in the mail, with the above note attached. I was moved. I thought, if only I had hung in there a moment more through the night… Morning was sure to come.

As I reflect on what happened to my trust, my faith in God/human kindness, I am reminded that, sometimes, the best things that happen to us are things we wait for. My gratitude swelled when I read the note, despite my having lost a whole day to “taking care of it myself.”

Like most of us, I tend to want things in my life to move fast—the things I want, I want now. I am, after all, human. But this was a beautiful reminder that trust and patience in the process have dividends, too, sometimes just as big, or at least as meaningful, as my “go-get-‘em” attitude and approach to life.

I wish there had been a return address on the envelope, so I could share with this person how deeply touched I was by his or her kindness—how humbled I was knowing that someone out there, a perfect stranger, was looking out for me. I hope I can return the favor to someone else in need someday.

To the person who returned my license: Thank You! The gesture meant more to me than you can know.

If you’re ready to start your journey into “process,” to progress into the life you’ve been waiting for, then contact me to set up an appointment today.